Gate City Corvette Club
Breakfast Run to Parker's Maple Barn
March 17, 2002
This was one of those spontaneous things that just turned out great! The night before, I received an email from Paula Beauregard to the Gate City mailing list. (I am an honorary life member.) A group of Vettes would be going from Bedford (NH) Mall out into the country to this great breakfast place. The weather was predicted to be great, so I decided to do it.
Am I glad I did!
The group was to leave Bedford at 9:00, so I had to leave home no later that 6:30 for the 140 mile trip.

Five Vettes made the pleasant trip from Bedford through the countryside to Parker's. The lot was full. The field across the street was full. After about 15 minutes we all got parked. By the time we got our names on the list, it was 10:00. We got seated at 11:30! Fortunately it was a beautiful day to hang out in the parking lot and get acquainted, as I had never met any of the GCCC members in this group.

Breakfast was worth the wait! My "Parker's Special", served on a serving platter size plate, consisted of 2 pancakes, each about 12" x 3/4" thick, 2 eggs, 2 sausage, 2 bacon, hash-brown potatoes and toast! No thoughts of eating again the rest of the day...
After this monstrous repast, the 5 plastic Chevies hit the road again, initially over nice, twisty Corvette roads. After a photo-op stop, we began to peel off for our respective homes.

I arrived home around 3:00. It was a 330 mile trip for breakfast!

But now for the good part!
While getting acquainted with the new friends, I was briefing Paula Beauregard on what Corvettes Conquer Cancer was all about. She told me that last summer she and a group of Gate City members had put on a fundraiser party at their home. They raised $2500 for "Make-A-Wish" in that one evening! Apparently some of the people at this breakfast were involved with the fundraiser. She became intrigued with what Sandy and I had started. After excusing themselves, Paula's group met briefly, and returned to announce that they would put on another event this summer, with Corvettes Conquer Cancer as the beneficiary. I was blown away!
This event has snowballed since that date. Now scheduled for June 29, the location has been moved to a hanger at Nashua Airport, since it had become obvious that it would be too big for Paula's home.
Paula and Gate City, you are fantastic!