2002 Monterey Trip Itinerary:
Wednesday, 8/21
Bismarck ND, through SD, IA, NE, to Bloomington, IL.
Start of day from Bismarck, ND. (Remember the mileage)

Yep, them's buffalo, all right!

South Dakota


The Missouri River. That's Nebraska on the other side.

This is it: the last of the 48. Since June of 1998, we have now been in every one
of the contiguous 48 States in the execution of the Corvettes Conquer Cancer Tour!

Brief detour into Omaha to see if I could find where my mother lived until age 9.

Looking for 2011 Maple St. as I talked to her on the cell phone...

There's 2009, but where 2011 should be is now a vacant lot. Oh well, it was1926
when her family moved back East! It was really cool to actually be here
talking to her, while checking off the last of the 48 states!

Back to Iowa. And endless corn fields.

Really! Trust me!

Arrival in Bloomington, IL.
I'll help you with the math: that was a 1080 mile day, an all-time high!