Vettes to Vets
Bedford/Burlington, MA
September 30, 2007
A Thank You letter to participants from the organizers of the 2007 Vettes to Vets:
This year’s “Vettes to Vets” day far surpassed all our expectations. The Corvette Community has to be the most generous and most patriotic group ever. We had hoped to attract 150 Corvettes. In the end, we exceeded 200. We registered 194 and saw several cars missing window cards indicating they may not have registered. When everything is tabulated, we will have collected close to $6000 in cash and $10,000 to $15,000 in much appreciated personal-care items. We filled pick-up trucks about six times. Just as importantly, the patients could not believe all these Corvettes came in support of them. The comments some of us heard from patients brought tears to our eyes.
We were fortunate to have an honor guard representing the 101st FA Btry. B just back from Iraq and had a Gold Star Mother, who recently lost her son in combat, lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance. We owe a special thanks to the Paul Revere Chapter of the Air Force Reserve for serving lunch to 1000 people and to the band Shotz for their awesome, gratis performance.
The winner of the “Veterans Choice Trophy” was Dan Murphy from North Andover with his 1954 roadster. Dan purchased the car new in 1954 upon returning home from his tour of duty in Korea – how fitting...
Thanks to the several corporate sponsors who, beyond helping the hospital, made it possible for 100% of the proceeds raised go directly to the patient fund at the hospital. In addition, a special thanks extended to the extremely generous clubs who not only supported the event with member attendance but made a monetary contribution on behalf of their club.
The Corvette Community consists of club members and independents. Each and every one went way beyond generous. It was evident you gave from the bottom of your heart. Please be assured the committee, the patients, the hospital staff and the veterans are all very, very appreciative of your support.
Until September 28th, 2008 – Thank you and God Bless our Troops
Ron Morneau, Karen Blandini & Jim Smith
Southbound & down...

Gathering point at the Wyndham Hotel in Billerica, MA.

Police escorted convoy begins.

Arrival at the VA hospital in Bedford.

A fantastic turnout of about 200 Corvettes!

Winner of the “Veterans Choice Trophy” was Dan Murphy and his 54 that
he bought new upon his return from Korea. He was at the first Corvette show
Sandy & I ever entered (Dover NH) with our '63, in 1978!

Food was provided free.

Participants brought donations of personal items
for the vets, enough to fill 6 pickups!

A Color Guard, a fly-over and a great band were featured.

This speaks volumes...

Co-organizer Karen Blandini pays credit to all those
who made this event possible.

Final stats.