2002 Monterey Trip Itinerary:
Sunday, 8/4 - Philly to Nashville, TN, via I-76, I-81 & I-40.
This leg was uneventful, other than a complete stoppage on I-81 just into TN. I made it along the shoulder for a couple hundred yards to Exit 63,
and with the help of my Delorme Street Atlas USA and GPS on the laptop on the passenger's seat, I found a pleasant runaround and got back on
81 down a couple of exits, only stopping once for a traffic light. The first part was a real flashback of a road: just poured on the terrain, which was
extremely hilly, twisting through farms, with lots of blind rises and turns. Good road surface, though.
Once in Nashville, Brentwood actually, I checked into the Hampton on Old Hickory Blvd, using a Roomsavers.com coupon @ $54 vs. the AAA rate
of $79. That more than paid for a GREAT catfish dinner @ Corky's BBQ. The BBQ smelled really good, but I was in the mood for catfish.
The Nashville skyline.