Gate City Corvette Club's
27th Annual Spring Fling
Anheuser Busch; Merrimack, NH
May 27, 2007
6:30 am departure for Merrimack.

Spectacular day at a beautiful location.
We had room for all 15' of table, and the tent, all of which fits in the car!

That's my daughter Christy and her husband Nils arriving, after leaving their bikes
in the outer parking lot. I felt terrible, because I was just leaving the table to help judge
a couple of classes. She offered to cover the table for the hour until they had to leave,
so I only was able to visit with them for about 5 minutes.

After the very successful show wrapped up, the club retired to member
Jim Eckes' house a couple miles up the road for the traditional pizza and beer.
Thanks, Gate City, for another great day!

Final stats.

p.s. This is what 15 feet of table, 2 chairs, a 10' tent, all the display materials
and cleaning supplies looks like in the trunk of a C6 coupe!