Precision Valley Corvette Museum
Corvette Show
Springfield, VT
August 17, 2003
For once, we had PERFECT weather for this event. Maybe we have broken the jinx!
I think we had 48 Vettes, overflowing the parking area behind the Museum and Diner.
All 5 generations were represented, from a beautiful '54 to several C5s.
Both Museum & Diner were bustling all day.

Museum Manager Roberto Rodriguez presents Hank Vezina with one of the awards.

The high point of the day for us was the presentation by Museum owners Cindy & Matt Alldredge of this BIG check for their second year as Corvettes Conquer Cancer's Prime Sponsor: $5000!
Because of this support, ALL the donations that we receive at the events we go to around the country can be passed on to the American Cancer Society office that serves the area where the event is located.
Thank you, Matt & Cindy!

The usual final stats for the trip: