Thursday October 17
Departing Decatur AL, 8:34 am

Friday October 18

The Corvette pits from across the track. Yellow (like the cars) makes the team facilities easy to spot!

Very cool cloud pattern over the pits!

The auction to benefit the National Corvette Museum

Saturday, October 19
Race Day!
6:06 am

Filming an interview with Harlan Charles, using Jim & Charley Robertson's new C7 as backdrop.

After his interview and his presentation to the group in the tent, Harlan signed the Robertsons' engine.

Then Corvette Racing legend Ron Fellows spoke. Always a lot of fun!

The unique Deltawing!

A guy walking by stopped to look, talked for awhile, and ended up signing the hood of a $25 donation to the American Cancer Society, Atlanta office!

The Race!
The 1000 mile, 9+ hour race was a bit anticlimactic - The highest Corvette place was #6, but the team had already locked up the series Team, Driver, and Manufacturer's championships before the race started.
As the race ended: fireworks!

More fireworks for the Podium Presentations.

Meanwhile, back at the garage...

Jan Magnussen

Tommy Milner

Oliver Gavin

Much to my surprise and delight, look at the American Cancer Society "Making Strides" graphics on the cars!!!

11:16 pm - time to head back to Connie & Bobby Tow's home for the last night.

Sunday, October 20
8:40 am. That's the Robertsons' new C7. As in the past, they were also staying at the Tow home.

Hey, that looks familiar - why, it's Jim & Charley! They got ahead of me when I hit Mickey D's to pick up breakfast.

Back home before noon - final stats