NCRS 2006 New England Regional Meet
Best Western Royal Plaza Hotel
Marlborough, MA
Sept. 14-16, 2006
Saturday, September 16
I was only able to go down for the final day of judging and the awards banquet.
Departure from home.

Arrival at the Royal Plaza.

Random sights in the judging hall.

The Maine plate on this 74 caught my eye: the latest registration sticker is 1979.
Recently acquired by Plymouth, MA "Corvette Mike" Milian, this car has
3400 miles on it and is TOTALLY original! He found it with its original owner
in Augusta, ME, which is where I work in my "day job" with CBE Technologies.

My C6 was in some good company outside as well.

The Royal Plaza will be the site of the 2007 NCRS National Convention!

At the Awards Banquet, even the wine bottles were dressed for the occasion!

The next morning I headed over to the Harvest of Vettes, about 1/2 hour away.