25th Annual NCRS Winter Meet
Hyatt - Orlando
January 22-25, 2003
Saturday, 1/18
Yes, the thermometer on my front porch read 15 below that morning!

Sunday, 1/19
Philadelphia to Richmond Hill, GA. Just a little snow on the PA Turnpike.

Monday, 1/20
On to Ft Myers, FL for 2 nights with Sandy's sister Peg and her husband, Bill.
Her parents were also there for the winter.

Before & After

Wednesday, 1/22
Ft. Myers to Orlando

Thursday, 1/23
The first day set up. It was cold and actually too windy to put out any of my
literature. Left is Buzz & Jackie Nielson's Commemorative Edition C5.
Right is Richard Fleming's Mag Red "Lady L".

The NCRS Flight Judging hall.

This is probably the oldest ZR1 in existence,
a 1987/88 engineering prototype, VIN EX5014, owned by Tyler Townsley.

Friday, 1/24
We froze! At 27 degrees, that morning broke the record cold by 5 degrees, as the front page of the next morning's newspaper proclaimed... and there was snow. The temperature never got out of the 30s. Even with my winter parka over a jacket, with a hooded sweatshirt and mittens (remember, it was 15 below when I left home), I don't remember EVER being as cold as I was after standing out in the stiff breeze from 7:30 to 5:00, helping set up the 50th Anniversary display. I was thinking - if it was this cold back in Maine, I would know better than to stand around outside all day!!!

Saturday, 1/25
Much warmer - low 60s.

Welcome to our newest Sponsor:
Marshall Fancher, owner of Corvette Dreams in Ft. Lauderdale

Special auction item for the Awards Banquet:
A beautifully matted and framed print of the winning C5Rs at LeMans in 2001, autographed by the artist and ALL 6 drivers. What made this really special was this: inset on either side of the print are photos of each of the drivers as they signed the print! Richard Fleming provided this very special item as a fundraiser for the American Cancer Society.
It was won by Roy Wingert of St. Thomas, PA with a high bid of $725.00. That isn't the best part - just before the auction started, Roy had won our 50/50 drawing, for a cool $885. He gave back ALL $885.00 for the print!
Thanks to Ed Augustine and the Florida Chapter of NCRS, Richard Fleming and Roy Wingert, we were able to send the American Cancer Society's Tampa Office the total of $1770.00!
This is why we go to these special events, to be with these special people!