NCRS National Convention 2007
Best Western Royal Plaza
Marlborough, MA
July 22-26, 2007
This was the largest, most successful NCRS Convention ever!
Tuesday July 24
Leaving home for Marlborough MA

One of the first cars I spotted on the judging floor was this beautiful '63 belonging to friend Bill Nichols. Bill is a high level engineer with GM Powertrain. It is great to see someone so intimately involved in the development of the new Vettes so involved with the restoration of the old ones!

More sights in the judging hall. They don't get better than this.

There were a lot of Vettes outside in the hotel lot as well.

Wednesday July 25
From my window - yes, it's still there!

Bill Nichols in conversation while his 63 is judged. I got him to autograph my fuel rail cover. That says
"Bill Nichols PRTN 7-25-07". (PRTN = Powertrain)

GM styling exercise 58 Vette.

I've got more company today in the "Red Section".

Dave & Glenda McLellan await the bus to the dinner at the Portuguese Club.

Thursday July 26
Dave McLellan and Corvette Quarterly Editor Jerry Burton check out the show field.

Final stats back home.