10th Anniversary Celebration and Hall Of Fame
September 2-5, 2004
This trip had a different purpose than our typical National event. The fundraising and public information focus took a back seat to our desire to pay tribute to long-time friend Dan Gale at his induction into the National Corvette Museum Hall of Fame. The fact that we were able to send the American Cancer Society's Bowling Green office a check for $362.00 was icing on the cake!
Tuesday, August 31
Leaving my parents' house in Philadelphia.
Yes, that's 4:53 am!

We arrived in Berea, OH before noon for the first phase of the trip:

Here's a shot you won't see very often: Chuck sitting at a desk?!

This is much more like it: hard at work, changing filters, brake pads and full hydraulic system flush. The flush required the diagnostic computer, seen at right plugged in under the dash.

Among the interesting cars there was this supercharged Mosler MT900.

On the road again.

Quitting for the night; Hurricane, WV.

Wednesday, September 1
Arrival in Bowling Green, KY.

Thursday, September 2
Arriving at the Assembly Plant for a shift as Volunteer Tour Guide... and leaving.
(NO WAY could I get a camera inside!)

Back at the Museum, I caught Dick Guldstrand for a photo op.

Dinner with friends at Mariah's, probably Bowling Green's best!

Friday, September 3
Across the aisle from my display, Dana Forrester was working on
one of his famous watercolors during a quiet period.

This is where I parked most of the weekend, next to Chuck Mallett's display.

Friends from New England, there for Dan Gale's induction to the
Hall of Fame: Ann, Tony and Karen (Dan's widow).
By the time this is posted, Tony & Karen will be newlyweds!

Table visitors: Ralph Kramer (Retired GM P/R director)
and Dave Hill (Corvette VLE and Chief Engineer).

Friday Evening Hall of Fame Banquet
The New England contingent had 6 tables to honor Dan Gale! Karen Gale accepted
for her late husband, and was introduced by Jerry Burton, author and managing editor
of Corvette Quarterly Magazine.

After the banquet, a smaller group of us went on a traditional "Danny Gale
Memorial Ice Cream Run" with Gary & Sharon Mortimer from NCRS.

Saturday, Sept. 4
Participants were encouraged to sign this 10th Anniversary banner
that was hanging in front of the Museum entrance.

Saturday Evening Lifetime Members' dinner
at Director Wendell Strode's home.
A delightful evening, with Jim Minneker serving admirably as Auctioneer.
Almost $10,000 was raised for the Building Fund.

Sunday, September 5
A quiet time in the lobby. Time to show our setup.

The repacking process draws some spectators while the 10th Anniversary
Cake Cutting took place in the background to the tunes of the live country band.

"On the road again..."

Monday, September 6
Back home in Maine again. After an uneventful trip, the
final stats are from leaving home for Carlisle on August 26.