Gate City Corvette Club
Fundraiser for Corvettes Conquer Cancer
Boire Field Airport
Nashua, NH
August 12, 2006
In its 5 years, this great event has been one of our best fundraisers. Started in 2002 by Paula Beauregard, it produced $3100 that first year for Corvettes Conquer Cancer and the American Cancer Society.
This year $10,000 was generated through the tremendous effort by Gate City Corvette Club, led by Dan Feidler!
On the road to Nashua - about 2.5 hours.

The clean, bright hangar, with the airplane and Corvette "decorations,"
is a great place for a party! The weather was about perfect as well.

The apron in front looked more like a Corvette show than a parking lot.

KC's Ribshack provided a superb barbeque dinner.

All evening the silent auction and "penny tables" were busy.
Here Chairman Dan Feidler officiates the live auction.

A fun addition, in keeping with the Western Roundup theme, was the "Jail". For a
donation, you could have someone "arrested" by a real-life (retired) sheriff. The "prisoner"
would then plead for contributions toward their "bail". This proved very popular!

This group proved to be much better at raising money than line dancing...

After the late evening cleanup, Dan & Claudia Feidler once again put me up for for the night.
Back home again.

Footnote: A formal presentation of the $10,000 was
done at the conclusion of Corvettes @ Carlisle.
Thank you Gate City and Lance Miller.

(And thanks, Lance, for taking this picture!)