Gate City Corvette Club Fundraiser
for Corvettes Conquer Cancer

Boire Field (Nashua Airport), Nashua, NH
August 13, 2005
This great event is growing by leaps and bounds! If I heard the numbers right: 250 tickets vs. 150 last year. In addition, two attending clubs each promised to double their club's participation next year! The money raised was, if anything, even more impressive: After all the expenses, the event brought in $11,000!
Of this, $9,000 goes to the American Cancer Society, and $2,000 will help Corvettes Conquer Cancer
continue with our mission.
Thank You
Gate City Corvette Club!
And Thank You Paula Beauregard
for getting this started in 2002!
Saturday, August 13
Leaving home for Nashua

This was the scene outside the hanger on this very warm evening as clubs, independents and even non-Corvette people gathered to enjoy good company for a good cause.

And this was inside.

A couple of the more interesting auction items: A fender off THE PILOT C6 Z06, the very first one to go down the production line, and a pair of Corvette Trivia games - the prototype (top) and the final version, donated by National Corvette Museum founder Dan Gale's widow, Karen.

Exotic entertainment(?!) complemented DJ Richie O's great music.

Hank Vezina may have found a new career as an auctioneer.

This item was the piece of tablecloth that Dave McLellan used as a sketchpad in Monterey in 2002, then gave to me.

Sunday, August 14
After a late but relaxing night at the Feidlers' home in Londonderry, I returned home...

...getting acquainted with what was to be my constant traveling companion
for the next few weeks: the OTHER front fender from the pilot Z06!
See more about that one in the reports on the next few events.