31st Annual Mountain Melee
Seacoast Vettes
Beacon Resort
Lincoln NH
Sept. 11-12, 2004
This was really just a social trip: beautiful weather, scenic 3+ hour drive, kicking back with a bunch of long-term Corvette friends! And to top it off, thanks to a generous couple who had to leave just as I arrived on Saturday because of a family emergency, I got a free dinner, cabin and breakfast. Does it get much better than this?
Saturday, September 11
We're off!

A little unscheduled excitement on the way...

The most scenic part, the winding Kankamagus Trail through the NH White Mountains.

Arrival at the Beacon Resort, site of the Mtn Melee for 31 years!

Organizer Del Liberty announces awards at the banquet.

Sunday, September 12
More Kankamagus on the way home.

Final stats.