29th Annual Mt. Melee
Seacoast Vettes
Lincoln, NH
Sept. 5-8
The Kancamagus Highway, best part of the drive over to Lincoln.

The show site: Hobo Railroad.

Just North of Lincoln is NH's signature scenic wonder: The Old Man
of the Mountain. Good thing I took this picture: the "Old Man" collapsed
into the valley the following May!

Back at the Beacon Motel, the base for this event for 29 years, I wound up by the pool with a few other "Old Timers" whom Sandy and I first got to know in the 70s. We spent a couple hours (and more than a couple beers) sharing "Danny Stories" - memories of some of the crazy antics that made Dan Gale legendary. It was amazing how many of the "incidents" we all had witnessed! Bittersweet, but fun!
Saturday dinner and party.

Del & Nancy Liberty present the awards.

Costume event had Patriotic theme.
Hey Dave, that's not a costume: That's your UNIFORM!

Al & Diane Dow...

Sunday's parade through town.

The view from the front.

Dan Gale will always be a part of this event...