Making Strides: Breast Cancer Walk for ACS
This has been an annual event for us since 1999, which was actually
the last public event that Sandy ever attended. In her memory we
have led the walkers in the CCC Corvette every year since then.
Our first task upon arrival was to place Sandy's "Footprint".

When I returned from placing the footprint, I found old friend Dr. Art Barbour
seeing and shooting our new car for the first time. Art lost his wife Bobbie to
breast cancer earlier this year. A member of our Corvette club, Art had a 63 fuely
that he got when it was 3 months old. His son in CA is now its caretaker!
He rode with me around the route.

The enthusiastic teams of walkers await the signal to fall in behind the black
Charger cruiser and the red Vette. Some PT Cruisers were behind us,
transporting those who could not walk the route.

ACS Sr. VP Connie Chapman prepares to announce the total received up to that time while event chairman Carol Wise waits anxiously...

$116,000 had been collected as of that moment!
This was another new record for the event, and, as in the past,
the total grew in the days after the event to an astounding
$127,443.51 !
Another incredible effort by Carol, her committee and the dozens
of dedicated teams and individuals who make this happen!

This ends our 9th year on the road!