Making Strides
Breast Cancer Walk for the American Cancer Society
Damariscotta, ME
October 17, 2004

This would be the shortest trip of any event for me this year.

While things were gearing up, I purchased this "In Memory Of" footprint for Sandy,
and placed it with many others in this church yard along the route of the walk.

The weather couldn't have been much better, and the crowd was pumped.
Once again, I was assigned to lead the walkers behind the police escort.

My passenger was the guest celebrity, Kilie Bennett, Channel 13 news anchor.
She lost her father to cancer when she was 3.

At the conclusion of the event, organizer Carol Wise (center - left photo below)
announced that the participants had raised $88,000 that day!
That number will probably go higher as late donations are processed.
Carol then called all of her organization team members to the front to thank them,
and to congratulate them, because her Team, as a group, had been awarded the
Sandra C. Labaree Volunteer Values Award for 2004! This award was created by
ACS in memory of my wife, to recognize outstanding volunteers.

Back home again. Told you it was a short trip:
only 25 miles, including the walking route.