Maine 2003
C5 Registry Regional Event
Fathers Day Weekend, June 13-15
In and around Brunswick, Maine
(photos by Ron Caron, Kathy Caron, Steve Adams and yours truly)
Friday, June 13
Cruise to Cook's Lobster House, across the world's only "Cribstone Bridge".

Saturday, June 14
Coastal Cruise to Pemaquid Light, featured on the new Maine Quarter.

Onward to lunch at The Landing in Rockland.

Back at the Parkwood in Brunswick: TX, MI, SC!

Finally, a great dinner at organizer Russ Caron's house in North Yarmouth.

Sunday, June 15
Show at Thomas Point Beach, Brunswick

Awards dinner at Taste of Maine in Woolwich.
Under a rainbow, after a weekend of nearly steady rain!

Raffle items

Top Silent Auction item: autographed by Dave Hill, donated by Frank Genova. Won by
Ed & Shirley Duprey (right) after initial winners Steve & Bev Adams (left) donated it back.

The top show winners. Winners were determined by how much money they collected in their American Cancer Society
collection boxes. In a stroke of genius, Organizer Russ sent the boxes out with the registration packages, and
encouraged participants to start collecting at home in advance. The top 5 collected between $300 and $800 each!

I thank the participants for the largest amount of money raised for the American Cancer Society
in a single Corvettes Conquer Cancer event:
Thank you to all the wonderful people who made this fantastic event what it was,
especially to Russ Caron for making it happen!