Corvettes United
31st Show N' Shine
Hebert's Candy Mansion
Shrewsbury, MA
June 13, 2004
This was the rain date from the Sunday before, and as you can see in
the pictures below, the weather was beautiful. Corvettes United sure
knows how to call a rain date - this is the 2nd year in a row that
they picked a winner!
As is frequently the case, I spent Saturday night at my daughter's house in
Bedford, MA, only about a 45 min drive to Hebert's. On the Mass Pike Sunday
morning, I couldn't resist snapping this pic of the American Cancer Society's
New England HQ in Framingham.

I didn't get away from my display all day, so the rest of the show
is only background in these photo - sorry.
Note flag at half staff: Ronald Reagan had died the previous week.

At Trophy time, Corvettes United presented me with a check for $300.00

End of the day

Thank You, Corvettes United!
As a result of this great day, I was able to send the
American Cancer Society $378.00 to help with their programs
of Research, Public Information and Patient Services.