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Corvettes United
30th Show N' Shine
Hebert's Candy Mansion; Shrewsbury, MA
June 8, 2003
This was the rain date from June 1, and at dawn it didn't look much better after some overnight rains. However, faith in the weather map was rewarded when we got through the day without any more rain. The gloom did keep the turnout down to half the usual participation, with 75-80 Corvettes showing, and precious few spectators.
Our setup, in our usual location.

The beautiful "Best of ..." trophies featuring the die-cast models
were hand made by Corvettes United members Reggie & Bev Gauthier.

This "1953/2003 Commemorative Edition" was a major attraction.
The first I have seen in black. Stunning!

Final stats.

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