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Spindle City Corvettes Harvest of Vettes
Kimball Farm; Westford, MA
September 16, 2007
Off to the Farm!

The setup for the beautiful day.

The view.

This gorgeous 62 caught my attention. Grandfather/grandson team.

My daughter Christy & husband Nils, who live in nearby Bedford,
stopped by so I could check out her beautiful new Harley.

When it came time for my pick for the Sandy Labaree Heartbeat of America Award,
there was no hesitation - it went to George Elwell (II & IV).

Another view of the show field as it starts to break up.

Afterwards, Joe & Carol Michalik hosted Gate City for a cookout. Not much variety out front: I counted 9 red, 4 silver and a white. Check the underside of Joe's ZR-1!

Final stats.

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