Spindle City Corvettes
Kimball Farm; Westford, MA
This was a new location for the Harvest of Vettes. For probably 20 years, it was held at the Chelmsford Elks Club. Unfortunately, a major fire and the subsequent rebuilding made the Elks unavailable this year. The new site, a few miles down the road, proved very suitable on short notice.
Sunday, September 19
Once again, an early start...

On final approach, we fall in behind a familiar Corvette.

We set up in a great spot: next to the stage, between the food concessions and
the porta-potties. That placed us in an active traffic pattern! With that plus the
spectacular weather (once it warmed up) and the good crowd, we did well.
We were able to send the American Cancer Society $386.00!

Those are Connecticut friends Joe and Sally waving.

After the show ended, it was over to Joe & Carol Michalik's house in Chelmsford
for the traditional post show Gate City Corvette Club feed.

(That red roadster in front of the garage is the same one that led me into the show.)
Time to head for home.

Final stats.