Fall Brawl
Corvettes United
Hebert's Candy Mansion
Shrewsbury, MA
Sept 21, 2003
Yes, an early start.

The weather couldn't have been any better! This was a "mixed show", unusual for us,
with all types of cars represented. This was the season wrap-up for the very popular
Cruise Nights held by Corvettes United at Hebert's every Thursday night all summer.

One of the outstanding street rods. What a gorgeous interior!

My vote for the "If-More-Is-Better-Then-Too-Much-Is-Just-Right" award!

Trophy time, featuring spectacular special trophies by Reggie Gauthier.

Corvettes United presented me with a $300 check for the American Cancer Society.
This plus the $93 I collected at the table, brought the
ACS total to $393.00 for this event.
This amount was sent to the ACS office in Natick, MA.
Thank you Corvettes United!

Final stats.