Ben's 2017 Route 66 Adventure
Day 3
Thursday, May 4
McLean IL
View from my Super 8 room: Pouring rain and howling wind!

Laptop displaying scanned pages from
Jerry McClanahan's guide book - EZ66

Across from the Super 8 - the landmark Dixie Truckers Home.

Historic 66 pretty much parallels I-55 (on left) through IL. I stayed on 66 the entire way.

Atlanta IL
Historic octagonal library

Giant # 2

This explains the Giants' history, and the location of the 2 others in Illinois. We've already seen one of them.

Lincoln IL
After a day & a half of trying to follow the incredibly detailed EZ66 guide book
w/o a navigator, I decided to go it intuitively: Watch for these Historic Route 66 signs
and always stick with the 1926-1930 version if there is a choice. It worked well, and
became spontaneous for the rest of the trip. Anything that looked interesting, I stopped.
I didn't know or care in the morning where I stopped for the night, as long as it was
somewhere along 66. The drive became SO MUCH more relaxing from that point on!

Two versions here - 1926-30 and 1930-40.

The Courthouse


Lincoln Historic Museum (Doesn't count for trip museum total - I didn't go in)

Broadwell IL
Site of the landmark Pig Hip Restaurant. Long gone, but not forgotten.

Williamsville IL

Sherman IL

Springfield IL

Dinner & a great selection of Craft Beer.