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Ben's 2017 Route 66 Adventure
Day 13
Sunday, May 14
Tucumcari NM
Checking out of the Blue Swallow

As recommended by the Blue Swallow owners, my next stop would be the Plaza Hotel in Las Vegas New Mexico.
Avoid the obvious I-40/I-84 route, they said, in favor of State Route 104. Nice back country road with some fun twisties.
This isn't one of the twisties...

Approaching Las Vegas

Las Vegas NM
In downtown Las Vegas (pretty obviously NOT Nevada!)

There's the plaza...

and there's The Plaza!

Lunch, across the plaza from The Plaza

Some of the plaza statuary

The Plaza Hotel
Click photo below to see much more of the inside - Classic and historic!

End of Day 13
165 miles today

That's 2271.9 miles from Chicago start
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