This trip was my tribute to Chip, not a Corvettes Conquer Cancer fundraiser.
This year, $10,000 was raised for the Chip Miller Charitable Foundation. In the 7 years of this event over $60,000 has been raised!
Friday, September 27
Leaving home

Overnight in Hagerstown, MD
Saturday, September 28
I spent most of the day in Philadelphia, sorting through several generations of family stuff in a storage locker. Then on to Media for the night, a couple miles from the show.
Sunday, September 29

Photos from the Corvettes For Chip website:

This was a surprise: an Honorable Mention in the C6 class!

This, however was NOT a surprise: the Long Distance trophy (922 miles)! They gave me the mike to tell my story.

This trophy is spectacular: that eagle is NOT plastic - it weighs over 5 pounds!

Monday, September 30
After an overnight at the usual Microtel in Hagerstown, MD,
Back home in Alabama

1818 miles from the start.