Bloomington Gold
Interstate Center
Bloomington, IL
June 21-24, 2001
Gary & I left Maine about 10:30 on Wednesday, June 20. Both temp and humidity were in the 90's! We arrived at the Red Roof in Westlake, OH at 11:45 pm. That's just west of Cleveland. From there we traveled with Sally & Jim Mele, Frank Genova and George Woyansky & his co-pilot Carl Zander.
Thursday, June 21
Torrential rain part of the way, but then it cleared and by the time we got to Bloomington mid afternoon, it was clear, low 70's and low humidity. Incredibly, it stayed like that for the entire weekend! It doesn't get any better than that for a Corvette Show!
Pit stop on I-90.

Friday, June 22
Bloomington has given us prime space right in front
of the Interstate Center since 1998!

And display space in the Route 66 Lobby, next to the information desk. EVERYBODY comes through here!
That's Gary, my frequent Co-Pilot & Bodyguard, on the right.

Saturday, June 23
It got really busy! On the turntable at the right is a 12 mile '67 L-88!

Buzz McCarthy presents me with a check from the Cape Cod Corvette Club
from their May Rally. Standing with us are sponsors Chuck Mallett and
Mike Milian ("Corvette Mike New England").

We did a Silent Auction for 1 spot behind us in the Saturday evening Road Tour.

The winner: Keith Bacon, for $525.00 to the American Cancer Society.

That's the tail of an Electron Blue 2002 Z-06, Dave McLellan in the Green ZR1
and Andy Roderick in front of us.

Vettes coming & going! About 1200 in all. 48.2 miles of them, by my calculation.
Lots of stops, burns and runs through the gears.
No cobwebs or carbon buildup on this 60 mile cruise!

Sunday, June 24
Some of our traveling companions pose for a final photo before heading
off in different directions. Sally & Jim are heading for the Black Hills Classic,
the rest of us to various places called home.

Billy Phelps autographs my banner. He is a Bowling Green plant electrician who
won the drawing among plant workers for the one-of-a-kind "Platinum Power" C5.
It got to $157,000 in the Bloomington Auction, but didn't sell!

Monday, June 25
Back at home: the stats from the DIC for the 6 days on the road.